Download the Friday talk "Does not the Blessed One dwell in compassion for all living beings?" "Indeed, headman, the Tathagata does dwell in compassion for all living beings." "Well then, Lord, does not the Blessed One teach Dhamma in full to some, but not so fully to others?" "I will reply to this question, headman, with another. Answer as seems proper to you. What do you think? Suppose a peasant farmer has three fields, one excellent, one middling, and one poor, sandy, salty, with bad soil. Tell me: when the farmer wants to sow his seed, which field would he sow first: the excellent one, the middling one or the poor one that is sandy, salty and with bad soil?" "Lord, the farmer who wanted to sow his seed would sow the excellent field first. Having done that, he would sow the middling field next, and the one that was poor, sandy, salty, with bad soil he might or might not sow. Why? Well it might do for cattle-food."... Read the entire sutta on AccessToInsight. to lean the Buddha's explaination, or Download the Friday talk. Comments are closed.